Welcome to 2021
Happy New Year. Isn’t it great to have 2020 behind us! Let’s hope the vaccination distribution begins to smooth out and that we are all vaccinated by the late summer.
Thank you to all our WMFC supporters. There are approximately 400 of us, and this year we received almost 300 financial contributions totalling just over $75,000. This is fantastic support and truly demonstrates the kindness and generosity of WMers across Canada. Your response has been most impressive during a very, very difficult year. Thank you from all WMers in Canada for your generosity and support.
National Zoom Meeting
We are holding a National Zoom meeting on February 3 at 7:00pm ET, organized by WMFC Vice-Chair, Betty McPhee. Dr. Neil Berinstein of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre will be our guest and will speak about WM in Canada and treatments available. I am sure he will also talk about the clinical trial he is leading that will be available in various Canadian centres. I hope you will join us. Here is a link for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 857 394 0250
Coming Soon to a Computer, iPad or Tablet Near You – New WMFC Website
Our new WMFC website will be launched in the very near future. Much credit has to go to Cam Fraser of the WMFC Board, his son Curtis, the technical guru behind the new website, and Tamara Brooks, my daughter-in-law, who designed and built the new website. We are also appreciative of Daniel Zlatin, a WMFC member, who volunteered to become the web administrator and has also put hours and hours of effort into it, fixing/changing bits and pieces of the website.
Good Governance is Crucial
The WMFC AGM will take place this year on Wednesday, May 19. We are always in need of additional helpful Board members and Statutory members (those who act as trustees of the WMFC). If you are willing to get involved or know someone associated with the WMFC who would like to help, please feel free to send your or their name to any Board member. If you are wondering what is entailed, have a look at the website, or give me a call, and I would be happy to answer your questions.
Support Groups
The IWMF and WMFC continue to work closely together on research. The IWMF is also helping our Canadian support groups by offering each group an IWMF Zoom licence which will give each support group independence and flexibility. Working together, the WMFC and the IWMF can accomplish even more.

Paul Kitchen
WMFC Board Chair